Wednesday, February 24, 2016

B on February 19th

Like a lot of moms, I took pictures of B every month on the 19th (he was born on December 19th) during his first year of life. I mixed up the photo sessions each time. For some reason I liked February's, so I copied it every year since. I will admit, this year his pictures were taken on the 20th. I don't think taking it the day after will show too many changes, obviously!

February 19th, 2012 (age - 2 months):

February 19th, 2013 (age - 14 months):

February 19th, 2014 (age - 2):

I will throw these books at you if you take one more picture.

February 19th, 2015 (age - 3, and NO interest in posing for a photograph):

February 20th, 2016 (age - 4):

I love his snarky face and his little toes pointing out from under the book. 

I think you can actually tell he's posing, and faking the reading.

This is NOT a good picture, but one of the few when he's looking at the camera.


  1. It's crazy how much bigger he looks at three instead of two, and at four instead of three! He looks so grown up now!

  2. Such a cute little guy! I love the face he's making in this year's photo!

  3. THANKS guys. Right now we are in a bit of a "good thing you are so cute" phase. He is a sweet boy but he has his mother's lack of good temper. Frustration city!

  4. It is so fascinating to see the differences in temperment in children as they grow and are exposed to more people and situations.


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